Saturday, January 18, 2014

Peluang sekali lagi(?) 180114

Welcome, selamat datang ke blog yg entah hidup entah mati ni haa. Quick update, Mus dah masuk ke semester kedua tahun ni. Selamat tahun baru 2014 masihi dan kepada semua pembaca, Mus doakan yg terbaik semoga kita dpat melakukan satu anjakan paradigma bagi menyempurnakan kehidupan kita di muka bumi yg sementara nii. Ewah, dah macam berdakwah pulak kan? Tak kisah laa nak berdakwah ke, apa ke, itu satu tanggungjwab kita bersama, saling mengingat-ingati sesama manusia. Well, setiap manusia pasti tidak ketinggalan untuk melakukan kesilapan. Justeru itu kita perlu saling berganding bahu dalam memakmurkan kehidupan kita selaku sebuah masyarakag yg bersatu padu dan dalam keadaan harmoni.

Pergh, dah mcm karangan pulak kat atas ni haaa. Okay, tak dinafikan sejak kebelakangan ni Mus terlalu merindui kehidupan mengarang beribu ayat bahasa dlam kertas or buku. Huhu, bebudak sekolah kalu nak copy paste ayat atas tuu, erm, dipersilakan(?). Haha. So far masuk tahun baharu ni okay jee, lagi2 dpat lecturer baru. Ada jee lecturer yg mmg Mus dah rpat, tpi once masuk kelas, it all just happen not what I expected. Kat luar mungkin mesra, dlam kelas still stick ngan rules and regulations. Argh, I hate this. Dah laa elok2 rapat gila kat dunia luar, last2 kena jadi serious ya amat. Okay, kena laa facr this problem for this semester. Hopefully I could take this down. Hahaha.

BTW, I'm still single, cheh, sempat promote lagi. Bukan nak promote, tpi boleh dikatakan still pegang rekod laa nak stay single. Congrats jugak kat kwan2 yg berjaya skor even tengah bercouple bagai, yg stay couple but merudum pelajaran tuu, MOHON CLASH!!! Hahaha, just stop it. Kalu pointer tu pon x bole jaga, inikan pulak nak jaga awek? Oh please laaa... Just stop it and give a f*+$ on academic. Aiyooo...

Youtube, still usang. Tpi Mus masih lagi survey camera nak record dlam HD format. Dah jumpa yg murah dan menepati citarasa, tunggu kumpul duit dan balun satu. Haha, then after that terus pulun tuk youtube. Until now, just stalk vlogger dlam tuu. Antara yg famous, Miranda Sings, Troye Sivan, Tyler Oakley, Davey Wavey, Glozel Green, and lots more. They are just awesome. Agak sedih sbb rmai kwan Mus blur tak kenal diaorg. Well, "Typical Malay".

Update yg paling interesting, Mus dah dekat dengan audition for Musical Theatre. Sangat nervous, even dah pilih lagu tuk nyanyi but I'm still so nervous. So far, Lady Gaga in my list. Her #ARTPOP was so astonishing and it would be my pleasure to sing it for the audition. Well, hope for the best for the audition. Hehehe. Wish me luck, people...

Life? It's getting better. Campus? Well, positive-negative? It still 50-50. I heard some rumours that the system is suck but I just don't know how to prove it as there are lots of obstacle going to take me one if I take it way too seriously. I just need more evidence and prove. Then, I'll case it out. Haha. Sounds really professional, am I? I'm such a nonsense living in fantasy...

I guess that's all for this post. Just a quick post as I am posting this thru mobile. Mobile was such a huge technology helping us to stay connected, if it go internet on it. Hahaha. For the upcoming post, I'll talk more about such problem bout gadget related to youngster and oldies. Also, what make using internet really suck in my country... See you on the next post... Gosh, I just wish I could make this as a video. Until then... Ciao...

Ahmad Mustaqim Amiruddin
Munakata Nakashima Kyousuke
Dave Mustaqim
*available on facebook, twitter, instagram, YouTube*
Twitter : @musang22693
Instagram : musang22693

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